Remembrance Parade Sunday 13th November 2022

This is one of just 3 events in the year that we expect all members of the Group to attend.  We will be meeting up in the playground of St Nicholas School at 10am before starting the parade at 10:30am. We will proceed up Locks Hill (the road will be closed to traffic) to Easthill park for the service. The Service will start at 10.45am with the 2 minute silence at 11am. The service will finish after the official wreaths have been laid.  Beavers, Cubs and Scouts should be in full smart uniform.

Group AGM and Barbecue

All members of the 14th Hove Scout Group are invited to join us for a Barbecue and short AGM at Hillside Scout Camp on Wednesday 13th July – invitations have been sent via OSM and you are asked to reply to let us know how many people we need to cater for. The evening is a chance for you to chat to the Leaders and other parents in a relaxed and fun atmosphere. There will be games for the young people to join in with. We will be holding a raffle with lots of great prizes with all funds from the raffle going towards our hut extension. More information about the event will be emailed to all members of the Group

Return to Scouting

We are planning on restarting at the Scout Hut week during week commencing 10th January 2022. Please do not attend if anyone in your household has symptoms of Covid. To ease congestion in the cloakroom please can all young people leave their coats with their parents. We will be keeping the front and side fire exit doors open to assist with ventilation and we have hand gels for all people to use. All adults entering the building will be required to wear a face covering.

Update to above, Beavers and Cubs will be in the hut w/c 10th Jan. Scouts will return a week later on 17th January.

Broadstone Warren Day of Adventures

Cubs are invited to attend a Day of Adventures at Broadstone Warren Scout Activity Centre. The days are funded jointly by DEFRA & The Lottery Fund and so the only cost to parents will be travel to the centre and a packed lunch for your Cub. We have 2 dates available to us – the 26th and 27th March. Please choose the day you would like to attend and complete the OSM invite. Places are limited so please only sign up if you are sure you can attend

Last meeting of 2021

With the discovery of the new Covid variant and an increase in cases locally, especially among young people, we have decided to cancel the last meetings of this term. This does unfortunately mean that there will be no Christmas parties for any of the sections and we won’t get to wish them a Merry Christmas.   

We have decided that the risk of one of our volunteers or young people catching Covid this close to Christmas is not worth the risk.

At the moment we are still planning on restarting face to face in January. Our first meetings of the year will commence on Monday 10th January 2022.

From all the Leaders, I would like to wish you all a very Happy Christmas and a great New Year.

Getting back to Scouting

All Sections will be starting back from Monday 13th September. We will hold as many of the section meetings as possible outside. If we are in the hut, while Covid cases remain at their current level, we are asking parents and carers not to enter the building. If you need to speak to one of the Leaders please let them know via email. Beavers, Cubs and Scouts will enter the hut via the main front doors and will leave via the fire exit on the side of the building. Please remind them to use the hand gel provided (or they can bring their own). Please do not attend if you have any symptoms of Covid or if you have been in contact with anyone with Covid over the previous 10 days.